Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It's not often that I come across something that really inspires me, but these past couple of weeks I've found something that really made an impression on me. Although I do feel a little silly admitting it, because it isn't scripture or anything all that religious. I could of course fall on the idea that anything that inspires a person to do good is from God, but I've always been a bit hesitant to look for justifications, well, at least that's what I tell people.

Anyway anyone that knows me knows that I am a bit of a superman fan. Not so much a fan of the comic books, or the movies or anything like that. I am a fan of the idea of superman. A man that has the ability to do good and is driven to help people for no other reason then because he believes that is what he is suppose to do, or for love. Oh yeah, he can fly, has super strength and heat vision; But those are beside the point, other than just being really cool.

So I've come across these books that I really like, Odd Thomas. It's about a fry cook that can see the dead and for no other reason then to do the right thing he goes out of his way to help them pass on or get justice. He doesn't tell anyone because he's afraid of becoming a spectacle and well, the stress of seeing the dead is a bit stressful. For that same reason he remains a fry cook and he just likes it better.

And that got me thinking about my life and the kind of life I lead. I have a pretty simple life and I kind of like it that way. I don't have new cars. I would like a new car just because I wouldn't need to worry about it breaking down, but then again I probably would have to have the stress of keeping it new. It's also not like new cars don't break down. More than likely we don't place enough stress on the follies of the sin of envy. Once I start looking at how far behind I am in, well, everything I get a little anxious. Once I sit back like the way this book did I realize that I don't think I really want to clutter up my life all that much more. Sure I would like to buy some new stuff from time to time, I will have the money from time to time, but I shouldn't let it bother me.

Simplicity, maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be; then again maybe it is.


Audrey said...

Yeah, I noticed you were breezing through those books. I was wondering when you find the time to read for pleasure...much less enough to finish a book every day or two.

Breakdown said...

My job allows me to listen to audio-books for eight hours a day. Otherwise I probably wouldn't read anything for pleasure.