Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A couple of frustrations

There are a lot of things that set me off. Over the years I can safely say that this list has gone down but still there are a couple of things that really get my garments in a bunch.

Stay on Task!
I recently took a calling to teach the 4-6 year-olds in primary. I did it back when I first got home off my mission so I felt that I could certainly do it again. My big problem is with the Primary presidency. First, if you have any announcements for the teachers you can do it over the podium and the beginning of primary. Second, once sharing time starts you and all your councilors are doing a certain job. You don't go off to do other things or talk with other teachers. You can take care of business before or after church, sharing time is about the kids, give them the attention they deserve. Third, if there aren't enough teachers to keep the kids calm, then get more teachers. I shouldn't be the only adult during sharing time trying to keep the kids in their seats and paying some kind of attention. Forth, if I'm teaching a class then you should wait until after if you need to tell me something. There is no reason to interrupt my class to tell me to prepare a game for the Halloween party.

Just like Banker's hours, just shorter.
So I've been preparing myself to go back to college this next year and as I do so I've been trying to find out what classes I should be taking. So I got an e-mail informing me of the academic counseling and that I could call from 8-5 so I called at 4:00pm. Turns out all the councilors leave a little earlier than 4:00pm. At least they still had a secretary to tell everyone that they don't work their whole shift.

Good Boys, Good Boys what you gonna do?
So we got a dog a couple of months ago and overall he's been great. The one problem is that when we leave him home he barks to almost no end. We got a complaint from a neighbor so we started to tie him up in the garage when we leave. Well, the other day we left the garage door open. When we came back two hours later we found the animal control officers leaving a nasty-gram (ie. your pre-citation) the cop was very obtuse about the whole thing and as cops usually are very arrogant. Suffice it to say that I've never had a good relationship with cops. I've always been on the good side of the law, but when they pass sixteen-year-olds out past curfew to grab a guy heading home on his bike after midnight then I start wondering about their intentions. They've even pulled me over for not stopping behind the white line at a stop sign, hey I usually do it but this one is set way to far back. Nevertheless, there is a house not a block away that everyone knows is a drug house and the cops are hanging around my house to give me a citation for a dog that was barking for no more than two hours and doesn't do it hardly at all.


Juliana said...

Hmmm. I'm in my primary presidency (secretary) and I'm afraid I've been guilty of some of those irritations probably! I need to be more careful and respectful toward the teachers! :)