I've put off going back to collage for a while now and now that I'm back into the swing of things I am reminded about all the reasons why I've been putting it off.
- Humility; One of the great things of working in my current job is that most of the people don't have an education that exceeds a basic high school education. It's kind of fun to be able to tell people that I speak two languages and that I got my associates degree. It's a high knowing that I am among the most educated people at work. Now that I am back in college it's not that way anymore. Most everyone has read the same books I've read, speak more than one language and are probably doing better in their courses then I am because I have to deal with a little more than just school, (ie, work, family, bills)
- Homework; One of the great things about my job is that the second I exit the building then my job is done for the day and everything gets to wait until tomorrow. School on the other hand has a workload that I get to carry around with me until it gets done or is do late to do it. I have to make space at home in order to be able to do my homework, I have to find the time to do it and I have to keep the kids off of me in order to do it.
- Stress; I guess I could have added this one with the Homework section but it's not just the homework that causes a little extra stress. It's the tests, it's the schedule, it's the lurking knowledge that you have to have something done by a certain date and you have to do it right. Work is more of a trial and error kind of deal. Mess up at school at it will haunt you for the rest of your education.
- Social; I've never been a social person, but Universities breed a social environment. Now I have all these people that I have to deal with on a daily basis with all of their agendas. I have to depend on them in order to learn and they expect to learn something from me. And since I'm married there is a whole other aspect to the social dynamic. Singles don't really want to deal with the married people and the married people have all sorts of issues that they are trying to deal with other than just school.
- Teachers; There is almost nothing I hate more than having a teacher that doesn't seem to care about whether or not their students learn. Especially in lit. classes, I've got this teacher that runs through the story in class at breakneck speed after she's already quizzed you about it. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Give us the information then quiz us on it, and in lit classes it's even worse because most of the information is subjective. I might be wrong but sometimes I can read the same story as someone else but get something completely different out of it.
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