Sunday, February 8, 2009

Better Living Through Chemistry

A long time ago back when I used to be an Ultra-nerd instead of the Mega-nerd that I am now. I used to play a RPG that had a chapter of the same name that I am naming this post. From time to time I like to say it out loud to people whenever it suits the situation.

The problem that I face as a Mormon Father is that I have a lot I get to deal with on a daily basis. The worst part is that since I work in the early morning often I don't get the sleep I need. This usually leads me to consider the evils of chemical stimulation.

I think on the whole the Lord councils us to avoid addictive substances. Caffeine being the one that I am referring to at the moment. He outright disallows coffee and from my understanding of a recent Ensign article (sorry we read the Liahona in our home and I haven't read it yet.) he is outlawing energy drinks. I thought this was an overall good move because a couple of years back I started to drink those things and I can tell you that once you start drinking those babies then anytime you feel tired you start jonesing for them. Since then I don't touch them. But from time to time when I don't get enough sleep I find myself reaching for a Coke, Pepsi or Mountain Dew, I usually start thinking to myself "well, the Lord hasn't banned these yet and I still have to get though today's classes."

So this is the problem that I often face. On the one hand the Lord wants me to avoid addictive substances so I don't become addicted to them and he wants me to learn good habits like getting to bed early so that I won't need the chemicals. While on the other hand I certainly don't live a perfect life and from time to time, things don't go well and I reach for that chemical help. Kinda sounds like I am depending on the arm of flesh.

Anyway, the Lord sets up this bar and he wants me to reach for it. I'll fall and try again, but I can't help but understand all those people that drink that morning coffee. I know that all they want to do is feel like they're alive and ready to face the day. I feel that way when I get a good night's rest, but when I'm tired, I can't help but be tempted to reach for that soda that will help me survive the day. Good thing God created repentance.


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)