Friday, May 22, 2009

Body Modification

Now my wife and I consider ourselves to be Liberal Mormons. I could go over all the things that we believe that go against the grain but then you could read all the wonderful things I've written, and I wouldn't want to do that.

Anyway, one problem that my wife and I can't seem to come to any real conclusion is the one about body modification, primarily breast enhancement. I am pretty sure that the church's stand is that you shouldn't violate the temple of your body. Well, then again what about all the things that we do to our bodies that are okay.

I had braces growing up. Although for me it wasn't really a simple question about just cosmetics, my teeth were REALLY bad. It was healthy for me to get my teeth straightened. Then again I could just be justifying my position. Even if it was simply cosmetic I think it's important for a persons self-confidence and how the world perceives that person. Let's be honest, a smile is important for first impressions.

The Church puts a big no on tattoos but doesn't seem to have anything to say about lasik surgery. We are modifying our eyes when for the most part a person could just use glasses. It's cosmetic, I think. In the future I hope to one day have a cornea transplant, I have a genetic eye defect. Is this kind of body modification bad? I don't think so.

What about hair removal systems? Hair transplants? Is God's position just a matter of how invasive the procedure is? Or would he not care if the modification wasn't for simple selfish reasons?

I don't know. My gut says breast augmentation is bad, but then again, I'm a guy and don't understand the self-confidence issues that go along with it.