Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Random Missionary Moment

Ah, the good old days. If only I could make the screen go fuzzy and make a sound like glass tinkling then the mood would be set to flash back to my mission.

I was serving in a little town in the middle of nowhere. A friend of mine called it the butt-crack of the world, we just called it Aplao. Anyway, one day we had to bus in all the way to Arequipa, a three hour trip. We had some regional missionary conference that we had to go to. I don't remember a lot about the conference, except we had to sleep in the office, and while we were there we found a VHS tape of the last general conference. None of us had seen conference since before our missions so it was a real treat.

Anyway, when the conference was over I purchased the Book of Mormon on tape. We got on the bus to make our way back home and as it would happen this bus didn't have a TV or radio; All it had was a cassette player, and nobody had a cassette. Well, except a single missionary, me.

That was the time I had a bus-load of passengers listen to the Book of Mormon from the beginning to 1 Nephi 17. My companion and I debated for a while whether or not we could have counted all the people on the bus as contacts when we put together our report for the week. In the end we counted them all.


Audrey said...

Fun story :)
I finally remembered to add your blog to my feed so that I don't get behind on your posts...