Sunday, April 5, 2009

I love General Conference

I am not a stalwart Mormon. I commit more sins then I care to admit, and more that I have just gotten used to. Nevertheless when Conference time comes around it feels like my eyes have been opened.

I mean sometimes when you are going on with your life from day to day your morals get a little withered away. Well that's how I feel. I mean you feel a little less bad about skipping you scripture study, you don't think twice about just rolling into bed at the end of a long day. Sure you felt bad when you began down this path of iniquity, but over time you think less and less about it. Sure, you have the Sunday meetings; it's just you can't seem to get past how the Gospel Doctrine teacher is practically reading from the manual and doesn't even bother following along when someone is called on the read the scripture.

Don't get me started on Elders Quorum. Well, since you asked; every time the Elders Quorum teacher for the week gets up there you know he picked the manual up for the first time this morning, looked it over, though about reading it, then gave up. If it just so happens that you get a guy that has prepared you start counting the seconds before some tangent it skewered the whole lesson.

I know, I know, I shouldn't be so hard on these guys. Most of them are trying their best but from a sinner's point of view like mine; it's very distracting.

But, when Conference come around, it's suddenly light outside. You come to the realization that Oh, yeah I really should be working a little harder on that. I can do it! I can be a better person! Sure, I'm a slacker that can't seem to keep his head on straight and who's sin list is longer than most Nascar race tracks. Now, suddenly the Spirit that you've slowly let slip away comes back with a vengeance that only a woman scorned can muster.


Audrey said...

Did you just call the spirit a woman scorned? :)
Just kidding, I know what you mean, I love the spiritual boost that conference can give. I wrote about conference on my blog this week too.