Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh yeah, there is something else.

Of all the reasons that I had that kept me from going back to school there is one that I forgot to mention and it's the one that angers me the most.

I hate people that tell me how to think.

I love to write. I've written a lot more since I graduated, I feel this is due because I can write about what I want, when I want and however I want. Sure it doesn't pay, but then again I do it just because it's something that I enjoy doing.

The problem that I'm finding at school is that my writing assignments are coming back with points knocked off because the teacher didn't like the way I did something. I didn't do it wrong, I just didn't do it the way they wanted me to. For example, on my last assignment I got to tell a story (I'd put it here but it's in Spanish so I don't think most would get it) I wrapped up the story with one sentence. That was my conclusion, I don't like the wordy conclusions because I feel that they distract from what I was trying to do with the rest of the story. In the case of this story I was just trying to make the reader laugh, I didn't want to muck it up with my feelings and reflections on the incident. Turns out the teacher wanted me to expound on my feelings and knocked me 15 points for it. WTH?

I've always had a problem with people that tell me that I need to do things the way they tell me to. Especially when there is no other reason other than they say so. I've made it my own personal goal that if my kids don't like the way I do something they can sit down with me and figure out why I do it the way I do. That way we can figure out a better way to do things or my kids can come to the realization that I do things for good reason. Either way we both win.

There is also that problem I have with conforming for the sake of conforming. Throughout school whenever I would point out that the teacher was wrong in the way they were grading I was usually told "Just do it his way for now and down the line you can do it right." That never sat right with me. I just think too many people sit back and do things the way they've always been done and don't think about trying to do it better. Then again these people are smarter then me, you know it because they get paid more than me.


Audrey said...

t my husbands help around the house, I don't question his methods...

Audrey said...

That's odd the first part of my other post said "I learned that if I wan"
Wonder why it cut off like that, doing too many things all at once on the internet probably.