Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Procastination Monster

So far this semester I've been able to keep up with my homework. I've been completing my homework assignments at least a day before they are due. Overall I've been pretty proud of myself, but lately I've been more and more afraid that any day now I'm going to slip up and face the horrible monster called procrastination.

Well, today might be that day. Of my three classes I have completed the homework for two of them and one I've been putting off. Even now as I write this I'm putting off that last homework assignment. My excuse for the moment is a very complicated situation of medications, time of day and what to eat for breakfast. All in all it's just me procrastinating.

I've found that when I start procrastinating it's usually because I am trying to avoid doing something or I am afraid of facing something. Instead of going about it efficiently and only avoiding the one thing I find that I start putting off everything. Perhaps subconsciously I am trying to let my conscious side figure out what is going on so that I will buckle down and get things done. I still have a couple of hours before my class so I still have a chance to get my homework done before class, it very well could be a start to slaying the monster.