Thursday, November 13, 2008

Considering Children

I am a bit of a News nut. I'm obsessed with what is going on in the world today, and if you read my other blog you'd see what I have to say on the subject. I don't want to go on those kind of rants here but there is a bit of concern for me in the news that I certainly need to address here.

My wife and I have two kids. We are very happy with the both of them and certainly feel blessed by who they are and we pray that we can be the parents that they most certainly deserve.

We want to have more kids but one problem that we face in the world today is that families are being assaulted on all sides. Kids don't really have much of a chance out there without a consistent parental influence. Now I don't mean that parents should be in their kids lives 24-7, but my wife and I feel that we need to always be available and attentive to our kids needs. On top of all that the job market is such that the reality of loosing a job and not being able to find a equal paying one is very, very real. We are luckily enough that my current job is reasonably stable, but the pay isn't such that we can support three kids. We have cut our budget so that my wife can stay at home and be a full time mother, which we both believe is very important. On top of all that I am going to be going back to school next semester.

Some people say that we should just have faith and let the Lord bless us. At the same time I've always felt that a person should not throw everything on the Lord. Perhaps we just don't have enough faith, then again perhaps it's just not the time.