Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Everyone needs a challenge

Along side my Xbox and in it's hard drive I have a number of games that are great for playing with others. I have a couple that are just incredible for comparing high scores.

But what happens if nobody among your friends/family want to challenge your dominance? Not that I don't think they would try if they could but it seems to me that a lot of them just don't care or are interested in the same kind of challenges that I'm interested in. I've always thought that there is a desire for competition buried deep within the male psyche, of which I count myself. Although I am not a big fan of sports I really enjoy games of the mind, and a good sporting event isn't lost on me, but I still like the trivia stuff a little more.

For example last year my wife was kind enough to buy me Scene It for the Xbox 360. A very good game although the humor is dry and the animation scenes are mediocre. But the trivia about movies is great. I played it with all of my one friends once, and I beat his wife and him without breaking a sweat. I didn't gloat, I didn't boast, but they never really wanted to play with me again. The same goes for my family. I played it once with them a couple of times and I won every time. Except once, but I threw that game because my wife said that my brother-in-law was getting kind of irritated that no one could beat me, I don't know if he realized that I threw the game, but he should have. Come on, I missed questions about Back to the Future. I grew up watching that movie! Nevertheless not one member of my family has wanted to play that game with me again.

I'm not good at every game out there and I really believe that I am a good sport. It just breaks my heart sometimes when I really want to challenge someone and nobody I know wants to be challenged. What is a guy to do, I guess I'll just try beating the computer on hard again.