Tuesday, September 2, 2008

House guests and fish

I've heard it said that house guests are like fish. They get rotten after three days.

I don't agree, in the past year we've had four people living with us for a period of time. The most recent was my aunt-in-law and her daughter and they lived with us for about a week. I didn't mind them at all mostly because they only slept at our house, most of the day they spent getting the daughter ready to attend BYU. Also having my aunt-in-law in town gave me a front row seat to when she found out that her best friend of almost 20 years was a lesbian and my aunt-in-law was the last to know. My wife only spent an hour with this best friend and picked up on the fact that she was a lesbian. The husband thought the fact that since her best friend slept in the same room in a two bedroom apartment a tip-off. Still my aunt-in-law only just found out because her best friend needed some consoling because her partner just left her. Is it just me or do pronouns become a lot more cumbersome when you are dealing with a homosexual person?

My mother-in-law lived with us for almost three months this year. She stayed with us for six months a couple of years ago, this time went a little better. I had some concerns the last time around because my mother-in-law didn't like to go upstairs in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, so she kept a little bucket in her room to pee. Then there was a problem with a questionable person calling her from Peru that my wife suspected to be a gentlemen caller. My mother-in-law is married so you can see my problem.

Now we currently have living with us a friend of my wife from Peru that is attending a specialized ESL (English as a Second Language) school nearby, and she will be staying with us until the second week in October. She is a really nice girl and my wife really likes having her around. There is just something that my wife gets from having people around that she's known from Peru. Just yesterday some friends of my wife came to visit because they had a performance in a nearby town. They all started talking and looking at pictures, soon enough they were all laughing and screaming as girls in large groups will often do. I haven't seen my wife like that in a long time. I love to see her like that.