Thursday, September 4, 2008

The New Curse of Adam

Oh, sure in the early days of the earth Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden of Eden. Eve got cursed with having to bear children in sorrow while Adam had to work to earn his living by the sweat of his brow. Well, here we are some time later and I think that the curse of the sexes are merging. Women are unfortunately forced to work more and more then ever before making it a woman's job to not only bear children in sorrow but to earn a living by the sweat of their brow. While men are still exempt from bearing children in sorrow we are now cursed with something new.

I don't know if every man feels this way but it seems to me that I am under constant suspicion of being someone capable of doing something terrible with women and children in general. As a missionary the rule came down that as male missionaries we were no longer able to put children on our laps. Today, I am never asked to babysit, even if I'm sitting my own kids at the same time, and my wife has expressed that she will never leave my daughter alone with any man (other than me, and I think she still holds some reservations) no matter how well she thinks she knows him.

I think the new curse of Adam is that as men we can no longer be trusted completely with women and children. It hurts my feelings sometimes.  Oh, and just in case you are wondering, no I'm not guilty of any previous sex crimes or on the sex offender registry list, shame on you if you thought I was.  Shame!