Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Double checking the facts

Again in my study of the scriptures I came across something that I hadn't considered before. Well, I guess you can say that I had considered it but now more than ever it stands out to me. I was reading in First Nephi Chapter 10, verse 17. Nephi had just heard his father speak about his dream and a couple of things concerning the Jews, but after he had heard all that he wanted to pray about it, so he could know for himself about these things.

I couldn't believe that in all the times I had read this passage it never jumped out at me like this. Nephi with all his faith and having spoken to angels still wanted to pray about the things his father had told him and wanted confirmation from the Holy Ghost.

Lately I have been involved in a discussion about what to do if a Bishop is telling you things you don't agree with. Suddenly there is the answer, you pray about it. I guess I've just heard it so many times that I've taken it for granted. It seems to me that God doesn't hold it against you as a lack of faith to come to him to double check what you've heard, in fact it appears that he encourages it.

My wife tells me that in her home country everytime she would talk to the Bishop he would tell her to go and pray about the things that they had talked about. I think all Bishops should say that to everyone they consult.

If I keep my line of communication open with the Lord I can preserve myself from the very same people who come to church that might lead me astray.