Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hmmmm, Drugs.

When I was on my mission in Peru an investigator once asked me if it was against the Word of Wisdom to self-medicate. At the time, and to be honest I still feel this way, I told her that for the most part it would be a bad idea, but the exception would be if you know what you have and what needs to be done to treat it. For example I always get an ear infection after I get a cold. Every time. So while I was in Peru and I began to feel the ear infection coming on I would go down to the pharmacy and buy 30 pills of 500 mg of Amoxicillin. I would then take those pills three times a day for 10 days. I knew this because every doctor I have ever known has given me that prescription and to this day that is what they prescribe (since here in the US we can't be trusted to have antibiotics on hand). So I know what I have and what has to be done.

The problem that I've come across lately is the OTC drugs. I don't know, I guess that I've come to take them for granted or at least think that if the government thinks that these are okay enough for any moron to buy then they must be safe. Since I've had a cold these past couple of weeks I've been trying (although not on purpose, or at least not with a full and rested mind) some different cocktails of these drugs and let me tell you. WEEEEEE!!!!! but not the 'weee' as if I want to do it again. Now that I'm finally coming off the cold, I can't sleep, so now I'm tempted to start taking some sleeping pills. It's so easy to fall into take-this-to-feel-better kind of thinking. Personally I don't like to be like that kind of thinking and I would go so far as to say that for me it's against the WOW.